Saturday, August 8, 2009



Her music & style;
I take delight in both.

Real Art

Monday, August 3, 2009

just think.

"There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs, there'd be no place to put it all."
- Robert Orben

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Living on the Country Side

Last month (July), I went on a little weekend trip to Maryland with my Boyfriend, Mom and Sis-In-Law. The food was good, the family was nice, and although the heat was non-stop, and kept my hair frizzy, I had an amazing time. I did a lot of thinking when I was in Maryland and I realized that I would never be able to live in the country, or should I say, The South.

The heat is unbearable, I hardly saw any people, and things are way too slow.
Guess I'm a true City Girl, or just too used to the city.
Needless to say, the experience was a good one, and once again, I had an amazing time.
A Few Pics I Took During My Trip:

(Boyfriend's Crazy Uncle)

(me & boyfriend)

(Those Crabs Were Goooood!)

(GRR. The seatbelt that raped me to & from Maryland)

Photography Session

Although I'm always on the go,
I've learn to make time for things that interest me. ..
Like Photography.
So here are some random pics, take by Me.

(Last Pic Courtesy of MitchHarrison)

rageeeee !

RANDOM FACT: My Lil Bro Knows How To Party ! =)


I usually always end up seeing things that I DON'T want to see. ..
Thanks to good ol' NYC Public Transportation.

hard times ?

lmfao. That's all I could do when I saw this menu at a local Chicken Spot. .. ECONOMY PACK.
Really, was that all they could come up with ?

Tim Horton's Takeover

So every morning on my way to school, I stop at the local Dunkin Donuts on
34th Street for breakfast. I always purchase a Mocha Latte with a Chocolate Chip Cookie (two of the greatest things on earth if you asked me). One particular morning, however, I exit the train station and notice something is slighty different. The Dunkin Donuts was GONE ! and replaced by a "Tim Horton's."

Sad, I was, but I still make my way inside .. I never found out what happened to the Dunkin Donuts that was there, but i did hear that Tim Horton's "bought them out." I tried their lattes & donuts, and while they're not bad, it is not the same as Dunkin Donuts. I've settled with them though, can't lie.

R.I.P Dunkin Donuts on 34th Street. (lol)

Where Have I Been ?

Not here, apparently.
I've been busy .. Real busy.
Forgive me guys, sometimes Life takes its toll.
For those of you who don't know, i'm in College,
and for some odd reason, I made the choice to attend summer classes. (never ever again)
buttt, Learning is better than working in my opinion. lol

Anywho, I've been awesome. (=
andddd i'm backkkkkk !
with some new material I hope you guys will enjoy.
Thanks for sticking it out with me ..
I promise not to leave you for so long again.

Friday, July 10, 2009


"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind"
- Mahatma Ghandi.

currentObsession :

Kid Cudi

Actually, he's been my current obsession for quite some time now. I really enjoy his music, love his style and i appreciate his how diverse he is. Not your typical "I want the money & the cars" kinda rapper, Cudi speaks from the soul and talks about the struggle. He also has a fun, weird, "makes you wanna smile" essence about him, and if you listen you'll hear it in his music.
Time to time, i'll be posting some updates on Cudi .. stay tuned =)

Beyonce "Sweet Dreams" ♥

She NEVER Lets Me Down. =)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Right On !

Fascinated by having an African American President, this little boy asked to feel President Obama's hair because he wanted to know if it felt just like his.

I Think This Is Just Adorable !
Shows just how down to earth our President is ..
You've Got To Love Him. :-)


idk, but i frickin LOVE it !
so different & it fits her style.

[ Amber Rose ]

Friday, July 3, 2009

definition of a POWER COUPLE

Jay-Z & Beyonce

despite what people say, they're IT.

Michael Jackson "They Don't Care About Us" ♥

i love love love this song & video.

prettiest tattoo i've ever seen !

i came across this pic on twitter .. hopefully the owner doesn't seek me out & try to kill me. lol when i first saw this pic it kinda made me wanna get one, but NO, im way too scared. anyway, i love the colors and the uniqueness of it. ..

Mr. Hudson x Kanye West "Supernova" ♥

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

for your entertainment ..

So im sitting here (student lounge @ school) & im bored as hell. Usually, when im bored i listen to music, play brickbreaker on my blackberry, or start messing around w my hair .. but today im gonna give you guys a list of all the things i dislike. Maybe your not even interested, who cares ? Alright, here goes :

1. cigarette smokers - eww. its just disgusting !
2. people who slow down to gawk at accidents & fights - like mind your damn business.
than people wonder how they ended up at tha wrong place, at tha wrong time. smh
3. skinny girls who say things like "oh, im so fat" so everyone else can be like
"noo wayy" - um newsflash, maybe some people dont realize but your insecurities are showing !
4. insecure men who play it off as being cocky
5. people who just cant stay single & have to date the whole world
how tha whole world just stopped READING
7. the fact that all the really broke people claim fortune & fame - chances are you live in the projects like everyone else, where the same kinda clothes, live with your parents, dont work, etc.
8. people who turn everything into weight issues - i cant just crave a salad or some organic food ? seriously, not everyone has alterior weight motives behind their decisions ..
9. the media - "Obama Smokes !" Good, that means he's an actual human being; i hope
he's cheated on test and boned more women than just Michelle too.
10. people who cant make fun out of serious issues - like where's your sense of humor ?
11. bad spelling & grammar - like before you decide to have children,
smoke, party
& all that good stuff, can you at least make sure you can read and write ?
12. people who litter - if you cant keep the earth as clean
as possible, i wonder
what your personal hygiene is like. smfh
13. fashion - i live an extremely happy life minus all the labels
14. dirty fiingernails - its disgusting on both men & women
15. girls who proudly wear flip flops knowing their feet need makeovers
16. karate movies - theres never a plot, just a few words & than POW !!
17. girls & guys who talk ALOT about how kinky they are -
like nobody cares if your a slut
18. when people walk really slowly down the street - its so hard to get by & than when you do they wanna look at you all angry like; GET THE FUCK OUT THE WAY !!
19. rude people - like when im eating some I LIKE & they
say something like "ewww,
you eat that ?" wtf man, are you blind ?
20. Last but not least : people on the bus who scream out "Back Door !" -
like you knew your stop was coming, you should've got your ass up ahead of time ! smh

phewwwww !! so there you have it, all the things i dislike. bye :-)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

sigh ..

R.I.P Michael Joseph Jackson
August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

.. that's something i thought i would never ever have to say. I am truly saddened by this, especially since im a huge fan of his music, style, movies, etc. Surely, im not the only person who feels this way. I send my dearest condolences to him and his family .. and to all the fans who are just as hurt by this as i am. Although Michael isn't here with us anymore, he is in a much better place. His soul, music and legacy will live on with us forever. .. :-)

i have an obvious love for ...

H Y E N A ' S !!!

I've been loving hyena's for some time now. They're my favorite animal in tha whole "wild" world. Its cool to me how they roll around in packs, steal food, and fight animals for the respect they already know they have. They remain vicious .. and i love vicious ! Ahh, my lil troublemakers. LOL too bad its frickin impossible for me to ever own one. (heavy sigh) ..

its cool though, since secretly, there's a hyena living within me. justttt kiddinnn .. or am i ? (this is the part where you wonder if im playing or start to believe im just plain crazy. lmao)

hey now, don't be judging ! :-)

how i choose to live my life : GREEN !

To tha right is a pic of my first tattoo; its dedicated to our wonderful planet.

not only is GREEN my favorite color, its also my way of life. i'm one of those organic, earth loving, hippie kinda people. i'll admit though, i wasn't always like this, especially as a child. But as i became older & more aware of tha earth's issues, i began to think : What can i do to help this wonderful place we all call home ? it took me some time, but slowly i learned how to recycle (something i never cared to do), i stopped littering, turning appliances off when i wasn't using them, and ultimately encouraging others to do tha same.

These are some of the simple things that come with "going green", because (im not going to lie) in tha beginning its kinda hard. Now that im officially living green, i do far more than just recycle & unplug things. thats another post though. lol .. Bottom line is, i love tha earth & everything in it ! AND I THINK EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD TOO !! tha earth won't be here forever, believe it or not and until than i think everyone needs to take care & respect it :-)

alright, enough green talk. til next time kiddos ..

Friday, June 26, 2009

my first post. ahhhh !

alright, so this is my first post ..
& i think you guys deserve a brief description of me.
i'm 19, in college & instead of me rambling here's a
quote from a Gnarls Barkley song that i feel describes me perfectly :
"i prefer peace, wouldn't have to have one worldly possession. But
essentially i'm an animal .. so just what do i do w all the aggression ?"

so there you have it.
Tifah : Untameable Hyena

i'll further discuss my weirdness in a later post.
byeeee :-)