Saturday, August 8, 2009



Her music & style;
I take delight in both.

Real Art

Monday, August 3, 2009

just think.

"There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs, there'd be no place to put it all."
- Robert Orben

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Living on the Country Side

Last month (July), I went on a little weekend trip to Maryland with my Boyfriend, Mom and Sis-In-Law. The food was good, the family was nice, and although the heat was non-stop, and kept my hair frizzy, I had an amazing time. I did a lot of thinking when I was in Maryland and I realized that I would never be able to live in the country, or should I say, The South.

The heat is unbearable, I hardly saw any people, and things are way too slow.
Guess I'm a true City Girl, or just too used to the city.
Needless to say, the experience was a good one, and once again, I had an amazing time.
A Few Pics I Took During My Trip:

(Boyfriend's Crazy Uncle)

(me & boyfriend)

(Those Crabs Were Goooood!)

(GRR. The seatbelt that raped me to & from Maryland)

Photography Session

Although I'm always on the go,
I've learn to make time for things that interest me. ..
Like Photography.
So here are some random pics, take by Me.

(Last Pic Courtesy of MitchHarrison)

rageeeee !

RANDOM FACT: My Lil Bro Knows How To Party ! =)


I usually always end up seeing things that I DON'T want to see. ..
Thanks to good ol' NYC Public Transportation.

hard times ?

lmfao. That's all I could do when I saw this menu at a local Chicken Spot. .. ECONOMY PACK.
Really, was that all they could come up with ?

Tim Horton's Takeover

So every morning on my way to school, I stop at the local Dunkin Donuts on
34th Street for breakfast. I always purchase a Mocha Latte with a Chocolate Chip Cookie (two of the greatest things on earth if you asked me). One particular morning, however, I exit the train station and notice something is slighty different. The Dunkin Donuts was GONE ! and replaced by a "Tim Horton's."

Sad, I was, but I still make my way inside .. I never found out what happened to the Dunkin Donuts that was there, but i did hear that Tim Horton's "bought them out." I tried their lattes & donuts, and while they're not bad, it is not the same as Dunkin Donuts. I've settled with them though, can't lie.

R.I.P Dunkin Donuts on 34th Street. (lol)

Where Have I Been ?

Not here, apparently.
I've been busy .. Real busy.
Forgive me guys, sometimes Life takes its toll.
For those of you who don't know, i'm in College,
and for some odd reason, I made the choice to attend summer classes. (never ever again)
buttt, Learning is better than working in my opinion. lol

Anywho, I've been awesome. (=
andddd i'm backkkkkk !
with some new material I hope you guys will enjoy.
Thanks for sticking it out with me ..
I promise not to leave you for so long again.